04 January 2011

Reading Coach Inservice!

Ramp Up Your Resources!
Presented by Stephanie Allen

Are you looking for ways to jazz up your tutoring sessions? Wishing you had additional resources and some new ideas? Then this is the workshop for you! This hands-on workshop will feature a variety of supplemental tutoring resources, including books, materials, online resources, tutoring techniques, and games to add interest and variety to your tutoring sessions.

About Stephanie:
Currently the Literacy / Homework Center Supervisor at Sacramento Public Library. She was the Literacy Coordinator at Lodi Public Library for nine years from 2000 – 2008. Stephanie holds a BA in English, Multiple Subject and Single Subject (English) teaching credentials, as well as an advanced certificate in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). Her past work experience includes teaching at the elementary through adult school levels.

Saturday, February 5th
10:00 ~ 12:00 pm
Rocklin Library ~ New Location

4890 Granite Drive ~ Rocklin 95677

All coaches are welcome whether or not you are currently paired with a learner! You can never have enough tools in your tool belt, so make it a priority to attend.

Also new for 2011...all active coaches must attend at least one inservice this year to remain active! Upcoming inservices will be held in June and October...content is still being planned.

Register Now for the Spring Reading Coach Training!

Make a difference in someone's life...be an adult literacy volunteer reading coach!! No special skills are required...just patience, compassion, and a genuine desire to help an adult improve his or her reading skills!

An Informational Meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 2nd at 6:00pm at the new location of the Rocklin Library, 4890 Granite Drive. Please make it a priority to attend this meeting as program related information will be discussed that won't be covered during the training.

The two-day summer training will be conducted at the Rocklin Library on Friday, March 11th from 6:00pm - 9:00pm and Saturday, March 12th from 9:00am - 5:00 pm. Participants must attend BOTH days of the training in order to become a reading coach.

Pre-registration is required to ensure that adequate materials are supplied. Deadline to register is noon on Tuesday, March 1st.

Light refeshments will be served at the training on Friday evening and Saturday morning. Participants must bring their lunch as time will not allow to go off-site.

For more information, contact Paula Westeren at 530 886-4530 or pals@placerlibrary.org.